Sunday, February 8, 2015

More Felt Pencil Cases - Pusheen Cat

This Pusheen Cat is adorable. It's grey, rounded and cute. My girl, Billie, first approached me last year to make a felt pencil case with this cat pic for her teacher, and to be ready for Christmas. I did not managed to get it up by Christmas but I did manage another one for her too.


Then, she decided to give hers to another of her teacher so I made yet another one for her.

I actually had a hard time looking for this grey felt. I first bought it at Daiso and when I wanted to buy another one, it was out of stock. I was lucky to find it some time later and I have stocked up on this, just in case...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year Again!

Yep, a New Year again! It's 2015! Wow! Time really flies, especially when I'm at this 5-0 age!

Since giving up completing / continuing with the large cross stitch piece "Oz Girls", I have since landed myself in a new job (slightly more than a month now) and getting into the pace of not working on Sats, Suns and Public Holidays. Thought I could get more done, but hit by laziness and flu, didn't do much except waste time watching funny commercials and sad stories over at YouTube.

Currently, am working on another 2 felt pencil cases which are for my girl and her teacher. I love them and should be able to complete them today or tomorrow.

Also hope to catch up with all my language homework and not slack in class **groan**. Not easy but achievable.

Next, I will find time to try out other crafts like needle felting. But must first find the motivation to motivate myself to organise my time.

Let's see how 2015 is going to be for me.

Friday, October 10, 2014

End of Model Cross Stitching 3 - Oz Girls by Sandra Vagras @ GeckoRouge,

Yes, you've read it right. I have to stop the commission stitching of this beautiful art piece as I do not have time to continue.

I'm currently working full-time in the retail sector, so I have very limited personal time. And whatever time I have, I'm spending with my family and my Jap course, so very, very, very little time to do any craft. So I'm returning the incompleted piece with the rest of the kit back to GeckoRouge with apologies. I hope to find time in future to work on smaller craft projects.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pikachu Felt Pencil Case for a Friend

Did this for a friend. As I go on working with felt, I find that my stitching improves especially the blanket stitches. Now that I have many colours of the felt, guess I will continue playing with this craft material, ie. if I have the time.

Btw, my friend likes it and am glad.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another Monster Felt Pencil Case for Billie.

The one that I did for her earlier this year is now worn out. Well, felt material is such and in the hands of my girl, it gets worn out easily. But a good chance for me to do another one for her.

Billie chose to have a 3-eyed monster, with 2 horns and the cute teeth. She wanted light blue for a start and I went to buy a dark blue and a green felt too. In the end, she chose a green monster and yes, a lovely colour.

It is always almost impossible to have a perfect handmade craft. The right horn is lower than the one on the left, but well, all handmade is supposed to be perfect imperfect craft. (quoted from John Legend's All of Me... All your perfect imperfections).

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Model Cross Stitching 3 - Oz Girls by Sandra Vagras @ GeckoRouge,

Started this kit on 18 Nov 2013 and with very, very slow progress.

There are a total of 36 pages of charts and am working on 1 thread since it's 25 count. I managed to complete 1 page over the next 3 months.

And yet another page over another 4 months.

Hope to finish the rest of the 34 pages before end 2014. Doubt if this can be realised as that would mean putting in 7 hours + stitching daily for the next 5 months, which I'm not able to. Well, will do whatever I can. Once I finish the next 2 panels at the bottom, I should be able to see one of the Oz Girls.

Monday, June 30, 2014

My Identity

Great News! I will be getting back my identity after mid-Aug, ie. when I leave my current job.

In this job, I don't have a name in my department. I'm known as "Auntie". Funny thing is I don't remember this "Auntie" as my first, middle or last name!

Well, I did protest but gave up and just live with it for the past 6 months *** groan ***.

Now, "Auntie" is used to address a woman in the following scenarios :-

1) A relative.

2) Someone whose name is unknown to you, so it's a form of respect.

Well, I'm DEFINITELY NOT a relative of any of my colleague in the department, so I'm just a nameless staff to them, hence "Auntie". This is very very very insulting and offensive but I have grown to live with it. Will be glad when the time comes for me to leave the job Yippee!!!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Farewell Notebook Gifts

Remember these cross stitched pieces I did a while ago and posted them whenever they were done? Yes, in just 1 day, I managed to attach them to notebooks.

I cut a hole in the notebook, taking care to ensure it is centralised. I then attached the cross stitched piece behind the cover. Next, I cut a frame (2cm wide all round), colours chosen by Billie. I also cut a piece of transparency of the same size as the frame. Then the transparency goes over the pic, followed by the frame. I used the transparency to preserve the cleanliness of the stitched piece, and the best "glass/transparent frame" I can get is the transparency.

Behind the cover, I attached a piece of white cardstock over the entire cover so as to cover the cross stitched piece.

Now, I just hope that Billie's teachers will love them.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bingo Blitz - All the Funny Things Players Do.

I've been trying hard NOT to write about this, but I guess I just cannot take it anymore... will die from too much laughter.

Just like any gambler in a casino, they will try to do something to bring in more luck or to counteract the luck in the casino. So they wear red underwear, walk at the side of the path into the casino, etc.

But have you heard of those funny things players do in this Free Game in Facebook? Well, enjoy all these that I can remember hearing.

In the slots room, it is always the same case. When some player complain of not getting the hard-to-get (htg) items which is easier to obtain if they appear in the bonus game when you get at least 3 scatters, someone is bound to say "bet 19 lines, don't bet 20 lines. I get lots of scatters (which means a higher chance of getting htg). This is how I win all the htgs". But funny thing is the player who mentioned this is still trying hard to get other htgs in the same room lol. Well, if you believe, go ahead but you will be at a disadvantage. Move the cursor in the slots room to the number "20" at the side of the board and you will see that if you are not going to get the coins if you get a win in that line... and what if it's a htg and 5 of them in that payline! Wow! Too bad, then.

And when you are not getting wins in the slots, change your bets. Well, I did try this and found it works at times but NOT ALL the time.

And in the bingo rooms, this is what I just heard a while ago. Billie and myself were laughing uncontrollably when we heard this. There are some items in the bingo rooms that you can only acquire via the treasure chests in the game. These chests could be first placed there when you first bought the cards or when you get a treasure chest powerup and you use it. This room happens to be a difficult one (rewards is big, so, what makes you think BB (Bingo Blitz) is going to go easy on you) and a group of them are looking for a particular item in the treasure chest and the other group is looking for a particular object obtainable when the card is with that shadow.

So, we don't get many treasure chests on the cards and the challenge is you can only get that treasure chest if the number the treasure chest is on is called. What players do is they will NOT call Bingo, even if they have, hoping to daub another number with the chest. So, there will be some players who will say "Let's hold on the bingos". In other words, pls do NOT call Bingo when you have one. Spare a thought for those who needs the treasure chests. So, some of the players will support this player and say "Let's do so". Now, though BB is a free game, we are human, and naturally, we want to WIN. Who in the right frame of mind will NOT call a Bingo when they have 1. And how can you be sure that the former player will keep to his/her word and hold on calling the bingo? Unfortunately, I believe there are still some naive players who believe in trust and will hold on calling the bingos and lose the opportunity to win.

I heard that there was a player who was requested to hold onto the bingo. And guess what, the requestor actually called the Bingos and there were only 2 bingos in that game and all taken up by the requestor! See, why should you trust someone you don't know personally?

Just a while ago, I heard the most ridiculous thing. We were told that if we opened the chests when the timer gets to 29s, we will get that much-wanted htg! And, guess most of them actually believed (Alright, it is human nature to let their guard down in order to win). So, at the end of the game, we waited for the timer to reach 29s (me inclusive - just curious to see how true this is), and we opened the chests. And, "Not working", etc started to appear on the chat box. Of course it is NOT working! Don't you see that this a game of chance and NOT a game based on skill! Only 1 came back and said she got the htg - of course she got it because she's lucky and not because she opened it on the 29s mark.

Please, please remember that BB is a game of chance. There's no way you can beat it. If you are lucky, you will get the items you needed. The only consoling factor is I've met many wonderful friends through this game who give unconditionally. This is how you can complete the room - with the help of others, the rest is just simply based on your luck.

Oh yes, just remembered. Don't be taken in by some players who are out to fool others. There was this player who mentioned in the chat box that you can get more coins when you daub on the number with the coins powerup very, very, very quickly! This guy is just way too much. This is definitely not true. It will be true only if you can beat the processor speed such that before they can register you have clicked, you click again.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Cross Stitch Completed - Catitudes "Contented"

"Contented" is from Cross Stitcher Catittudes Calendar 2003. Stitched on 18ct Aida with 2 strands of DMC floss. Have another 3 more pieces to go for Billie's teachers.

Margaret Sherry, I love your designs!